
Alice monteiro de barros curso de direito do trabalho pdf files
Alice monteiro de barros curso de direito do trabalho pdf files

alice monteiro de barros curso de direito do trabalho pdf files alice monteiro de barros curso de direito do trabalho pdf files

THE OBJECTIVES OF CAP To obtain up-to-date statistical information on: the structure of agriculture including livestock A Sample frame for annual agricultural surveys To obtain a data base with gender perspective To obtain information to monitor the development plan on the agricultural sector (PROAGRI, PARP, etc) METHODOLOGY The CAP 2009-2010 followed the modular approach of FAO taking as common module, general data from Section G - Agriculture and Livestock - from the 3 rd population Census, which serves as sample frame for Complementary Modules. Between the Census, the Country collects annualy data on agriculture trough probability sample 1 2 BACKGROUND Since Independence in 1975, Mozambique has conducted two Agricultural and Livestock Census (CAP): in 1999-2000 (CAP I) based on questionnaire In 2009-2010 (CAP II ) based on mini computer and it was a major beneficiary of the Third Population and Housing Census (III RGPH), conducted in 2007. 1 1īACKGROUND At Central, provincial and district level census commitees were stabilished With the implementation of the Agricultural Census the Country benefits from technical assistance from FAO and other financial partners MINAG has been delegated from INE to conduct Annual Agricultural Surveys. COLLECTING SEX-DISAGGREGATED DATA ON LAND OWENERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT IN MOZAMBIQUE Lessons From 2010 AGRICULTURAL CENSUS and annual Agricultural surveys By: Delfina Cumbe and Domingos Diogo Kampala, 13- BACKGROUND 1996-1997 Reform of the National Statistical System The National Institute of Statistical (INE) and the National Statistical Council were established Based on the low 7/96 INE is the responsible agency for the production and dissemination of all official Statistics INE is responsible for implementation of the Agricultural Census in close partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture.

Alice monteiro de barros curso de direito do trabalho pdf files